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Jake’s Takes

President & CEO Update

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REU Responds to Chamber, Will Host Workshop on July 27th

If the Chamber CEO is a shepherd of a flock of businesses, then, like any CEO worth his salt, if 99 businesses are doing well and thriving, but one is lost and in trouble, the “CEO shepherd” will turn his focus on helping that one that is lost.

Jakes Blog Graphics 40So it was with the relatively small number of local businesses potentially adversely impacted by City of Redding Electric Utility (REU) commercial rate reclassification. I explained this in greater detail in my previous write-up. I admit that I am an emotional being and I care about those the Chamber represents, and wish to help them when they are experiencing hardship.

We are fortunate that the new director of the City of Redding Electric Utility has an open mind and open ear to the concerns of local business, which is why he and the team at REU have agreed to host a workshop for Redding Chamber of Commerce businesses on July 27th at 2:00 p.m. at the REU office on Avtech Parkway. More information on the workshop is described in this newsletter. Please RSVP and join us to learn important information for your business and to meet the new REU Director, Nick Zettel.

Introducing Nick Zettel

As a sneak peak into what makes Nick tick, I can tell you from a recent breakfast meeting at Corbett’s Restaurant, that he starts his day with an energy bar and a cup of coffee. The 40-year-old millennial has been with the utility for about 20 years. “I am literally the kid that started as an intern in the mailroom in 2003,” Zettel said, “I tell our interns that story and they can hardly believe it, but it’s true.” The local business community should be encouraged to know that his degree is in Financial Management, having attended Chico State and finishing his degree at National University in Redding. Nick tells me that he enjoyed attending class online and being taught by titans of industry, including a former CFO of Reynolds Aluminum Company (now Alcoa). He is committed to communicating the value of REU beyond the mission statement and believes that the local, community-owned utility is still a great benefit to local businesses in spite of the complex nature of the power industry and constant pressure on rates. I am looking forward to working together with him to help ensure a strong connection between the utility and its commercial customers.

It is a symbiotic relationship after all.

Jake Mangas
President & CEO

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