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Jake’s Takes

President & CEO Update

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Chamber-Led Business Grant Program Tops $1 Million

Attention local businesses: Thanks to the addition of $300,000 in funds from the County of Shasta, businesses throughout Shasta County may now qualify for a $5,000 grant from the Redding Chamber-led, COVID-19 Micro-Enterprise Business Relief Grant Program.

Stack of coins stops dominoes from fallingNow is the time to apply. If a business has 5 or fewer employees including the owner, has NOT received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or other SBA COVID-19 disaster loan, has been adversely affected by COVID-19, and is a brick & mortar* business, it is eligible to apply.

*”Brick & mortar” is defined as having a commercial storefront. It also includes home-based businesses that provide goods or services to the local community. 
Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received. Grants will be awarded until all funds are expended. So far we have received 53 applications. For more information, including a link to the online application, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
“How far will you go to keep hospitalizations low?”
This is the question and challenge we and the Shasta County Board of Supervisors are asking our business community at this time. We know that wearing a mask has become a symbol of something more than it is. To me, wearing a mask is simply a selfless way of saying to those around me that I care about you and will do what I can to slow the spread of COVID-19 to help keep our community healthy and businesses open. In a letter to Governor Newsom, which the Chamber publicly supports, the Board of Supervisors is asking that local control be granted back to our county officials. They are also asking the governor to use one primary metric to determine whether or not to get more restrictive or lenient – the current number of hospitalizations. We are urging our business community to stand with us and with the Board of Supervisors in support of this advocacy effort. And please, wear a mask.
To self-certify your business and earn a “gold star” to let your customers know you are doing everything required to promote a safe environment, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Finally, we have gotten word that a few local businesses have decided to close their doors permanently as a result of the adverse economic effects of COVID-19. This news weighs on us. It also serves as further motivation to continue to fight for all of you knowing that the health of local business and that of the overall community are one in the same.
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