As Chamber staff, we have the privilege of seeing first hand the tireless work that Jake Mangas puts in on behalf of the business community and the community as a whole. That is why we are very happy to see him taking some well-deserved time off this week!
Here’s an update: Jake continues to serve on the County Roadmap to Recovery Advisory Committee that meets each week. We are pleased to have a voice at the table as we continue to move the business community forward in a safe and responsible way. As we begin to see confirmed Covid-19 cases rise, we want to be able to stay open and in business. Jake will continue to work closely with the County in that regard./11
Construction on the Street Circulation Project, Market Street Streetscape, and Umbrella Alley continues! We can expect to see pavers going in on Market Street as early as this August. Jake has done a great job of facilitating the progress of “Umbrella Alley” and we will soon be enjoying the result of that as well. We encourage you to head downtown, support a local business, and check out the progress! Next up, the construction of the Downtown Monument Sign. If you haven’t already, check out the Chamber-led Redding City Identity Project website for more about exciting projects that are in the works!
Last but not least, we want to remind you about the Chamber’s Rapid Recovery Program for businesses. Below, we will share again in detail what is available, thanks to the partnerships we have formed over the past several weeks. Stay tuned for details on the grant program that we have been working on with the City of Redding, that will provide some much needed relief for qualifying businesses. The Chamber’s Business Recovery Specialist is available in the office full time to help your business with it’s most immediate needs. You can call 225-4433 or visit the Rapid Recovery page on our website to get in touch.